
The soul of the unbeliever and the spiritually defective

Question: "You have made it clear to us that the soul is immortal, but what will become of the soul of the wicked and the unbeliever in the next world?

‘Abdu'l Baha: realities and souls or spirits are immortal. Even the soul of the unbeliever and the spiritually defective are immortal. But when these are compared with holy souls and sanctified spirits, they are not worth mentioning. It is just like this wood, which has an existence, but in comparison to the existence of man, it is as if nonexistent. (Quoted by Dr. Zia Baghdadi, one of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s translators during His visit to the West; Star of the West, Vol. 19, no. 12, March 1929)